
lifestyles of the bored and disenfranchised


“The Doom Generation”- an epic movie. It’s  a part of Gregg Araki’s Teenage Apocalypse Trilogy and I’d definitely recommend watching it for brilliant characters, original dialoguesàan example below, trippy feel,  great 90s music and peculiar style.
Amy: Look, you fucking chunky pumpkinhead! I don't know what the fuck you're talking about!
Cashier: You told me you loved me... You told me you'd never leave me...
Amy: What is this, Night of the Living Brain-dead? Wake up and smell the cappucino, geek. I don't know you, I've never fucking seen you before, I don't know who the fuck this 'Sunshine' is!

“Nowhere” the last movie of the series is cool too but much more psychedelic and lacks the charm of TDG.
Nevertheless,  it is also abundant with cute lines like this one  by Dark“Dear diary, what a day. I swear I've never been so depressed, miserable, and lonely in my entire life. It's like I know there's got to be somebody out there somewhere... just one person in this huge, horrible, unhappy universe who can hold me in their arms and tell me everything is going to be okay. And how long do I have to wait before that person shows up. I feel like I'm sinking deeper and deeper into quicksand... watching everyone around me die a slow, agonizing, death. It's like we all know way down in our souls that our generation is going to witness the end of everything. You can see it in our eyes. It's in mine, look. I'm doomed. I'm only 18 years-old and I'm totally doomed.” 

I’m not 18 years-old anymore, but yes Dark, I’m totally doomed too.

Well, I probably wouldn’t find this confession so appealing, frankly - poignant,  if it wasn’t for my current jobless *doomed* situation which made me develop a special bond with the character.
I will dare to say that in the current economic situation many miserable young unemployed people would be able to recognise their own experiences /obviously in a metaphoric way/ or feelings in the Teenage Apocalypse Trilogy which makes these movies weirdly relevant and timely.

Anyways, one thing I would remove from Araki’s films is blood which luckily doesn’t appear on the screen for a bearable couple of minutes.

All images- tumblr

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